Ford code M6018 M60187 - black
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(Black : Ford : 1984 - 1993)
At we have records of this paint across 10 manufacturers/makes.

This black automotive paint color is most commonly known as simply 'Black'. The color formulation has been used between 1984 and 1993, primarily by Ford; but also by Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Company Fleet Vehicles, GM, Geo, Lincoln, Mercury, Oldsmobile, and Pontiac. We have records of this color appearing on the following models: Ford Truck, Fiero, and Thunderbird. See the full detailed list below.

The one Company/Organization with Fleet Vehicles using this color is: Miami Valley Regional Transit Auth.

The GM manufacturing code of this paint is WA168D, WA0848, WA8555, WA5118, W83E5118, and WAEM5118. The Chrysler manufacturing code of this paint is DT4004 and DT4012. It is not uncommon for the same paint to be used by more than one manufacturer. Popular paints offered by one could be special ordered by others. Also, the paint on imported cars were commonly shared.

Ford paint manufacturing codes come in two forms, the short 1 to 3 digit model/year code which changes frequently and the longer 4 digit code which starts with the letters "M", "WT", or "MX". M are production paints, WT and MX are commercial or special order. These longer codes don't change over the years for a particular paint formulation; therefore, it is the best code to track the usage of Ford paint. Ford production paint codes starting with M are usually followed by a 4 digit number and the letter "A" indicating it is an exterior paint. The same code ending in the letter "G" is common for interior paints and "D" for under the hood or engine compartment. For Ford, this longer 4 digit paint code is often not found printed anywhere on the vehicle. Many times it is coded on the factory build sheet which may have stayed with the vehicle after production and is sometimes; for older vehicles, found under the interior carpet or rear seat. Factory repaint or special order paints may have the 4 digit paint code hand written on the radiator shroud with a wax pen.

Example of the color Ford M6018
Ford code M6018 M60187  - black
See more information on Ford code "M6018"

Usage list of Ford paint code M6018 (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1987BuickBuick19BlackOK City, clearcoat
1987ChevroletChevrolet19BlackOK City, clearcoat
1987ChevroletChevrolet19BlackOshawa, clearcoat
1987GM19BlackOK City, clearcoat
1987GM19BlackOshawa, clearcoat
1987OldsmobileOldsmobile19BlackOshawa, clearcoat
1987PontiacPontiac19BlackOshawa, clearcoat
1989FordFord Truck1RBlack
1989FordFord Truck1RBlack
1990FleetMiami Valley Regional Transit AuthBlackDayton OH
1990FordFord Truck1RBlackmedium heavy duty truck
1990GeoGeo41U,826BlackStorm, also code 001-P38
1990GeoStorm41U,826Blackalso code 001-P38
1991GeoGeo41U,826BlackStorm, also code 001-P38
1991GeoStorm41U,826Blackalso code 001-P38
1992GeoGeo41U,826BlackStorm, also code 001-P38
1992GeoStorm41U,826Blackalso code 001-P38
1993GeoGeo41U,826BlackStorm, also code 001-P38
1993GeoStorm41U,826Blackalso code 001-P38

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Ford : M6018A, M30J1724, M1724A, M6124A, M1724, M1724X
GM(Fisher code) : WA5118, WA0848, W83E5118, WA8555, WA168D, WAEM5118
Chrysler/Dodge : DT4012, DT4004
Make/Year Code : 19, 560, 41, X8, 950, L41, P1, 0F5, 373, JASA, 80U, R4, 612, 10, OF5, C-598, 900, Y4, PDE, 700, 618, AA, 902, P1A, JAS, C1, 99, 80, F0794, DT4004, 086, X9, QX9, 50, PX9, F794, A, 041, 026, YC, C-536, 202, 1C, IH0001, 101SCS0001, 401, C-542, JASX, TX8, TX9
PPG/Ditzler : 9300 (possible alternative codes: 95115)
Dupont : F0206, F0213, B9764, 44, 99S, 99, 99A, 835-92264L, F0220, 886-92264L, 47600, 99L, 88L, F0208, 88, 93-005
Acme/Rogers : 4950, 33756, 3000, 75, 206
Martin Senour : 52587, 8800
Sherwin Williams : 1738, 53909, 57879, 40423, 57727, 58097
RM/BASF : 19160, 946, A946, 1240, 12574, 12060, 13572, 100917, 4946, 16444, 17425, P403, 251495
Glasurit : 54-1240, 541240, GM-168D, GM168D, FDU-1724, FDU1724, 21-1240, 211240, CUS-100917, CUS100917, FDPC1, BMW-086, BMW086, GM-0848, GM0848, GM-8555, GM8555, GM-5118, GM5118
Autocolor ICI Nexa : NX23, VW23B, WM77, WV23B, WV23, GDD4B

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