(Jade Green : Chrysler : 1975 - 1990)At
PaintRef.com we have records of this paint for over 15 years of use.
This code is listed in our database as an offset listing to PPG code
2852; therefore, the results below are from that code.
1977 paint by Chrysler with short manufacturer/year paint code of DT7835. This green automotive paint color is most commonly known as Jade Green. Another common paint color promotional name is Green. The color formulation has been used between 1975 and 1990, primarily by Chrysler; but also by Company Fleet Vehicles, Dodge, International Harvester, and Plymouth. We have records of this color appearing on the following models: Chrysler Special Order / Fleet, Dodge Truck, Fury, and International Harvester Truck. See the full detailed list below. The use of this paint is for main body and special order color.
The one Company/Organization with Fleet Vehicles using this color is: State of Florida.
The Chrysler manufacturing code of this paint is DT7835.
The longer Chrysler paint manufacturing code, sometimes called the "Dodge Truck paint code" is
DT7835. This longer manufacturing code is useful for tracking paint usage.
Example of 1977 Chrysler DT7835
See more information on "1977 Chrysler DT7835" or
See all paints with a short model/year code of "DT7835"Usage list 1977 Chrysler DT7835 paint
(more information)
year | make | model | code | paint name | comment |
| | | | Green | |PPG/Dupont Cross-Ref 1990| |
| Chrysler | | F2 | Jade Green | metallic, 1975-1976, |Autocolor Colour Register 1998-1999| |
| Chrysler | | MF2 | Jade Green | metallic, 1975-1976, |Autocolor Colour Register 1998-1999| |
1975 | Chrysler | | F2 | Jade Green | |
1975 | Dodge | Dodge | F2 | Jade Green | |
1975 | Plymouth | Plymouth | F2 | Jade Green | |
1976 | Chrysler | | F2 | Jade Green | |
1976 | Dodge | Coronet | F2 | Jade Green | |
1976 | Dodge | Dodge | F2 | Jade Green | |
1976 | Plymouth | Fury | F2 | Jade Green | |
1976 | Plymouth | Plymouth | F2 | Jade Green | |
1977 | Chrysler | | F2 | Jade Green | |
1977 | Dodge | Dodge | F2 | Jade Green | |
1977 | Dodge | Dodge Truck | DT7835 | Jade Green | |
1977 | Plymouth | Plymouth | F2 | Jade Green | |
1983 | Chrysler | Fleet | DT7835 | Green | |Dodge Truck Ditzler Offset List, Form 8302| |
1985 | International Harvester | Truck | 5968 | Green | Custom, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess |
1990 | Fleet | Florida State of | | Green | Game and Fish Comm |
Paint Manufacturer Codes
Chrysler/Dodge :
Make/Year Code : F2, 5968, DT7835, MF2
PPG/Ditzler :
Dupont :
Martin Senour : 2351
Sherwin Williams : 7470
Autocolor ICI Nexa :
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