1948 Kaiser 171,365,160
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(Teal Blue : Kaiser : 1946 - 1950)
1948 paint by Kaiser with short manufacturer/year paint code of 171,365,160. This blue automotive paint color is most commonly known as Teal Blue. The color formulation has been used between 1946 and 1950, primarily by Kaiser. See the full detailed list below.

There are multiple short manufacturer/year codes for this paint on a Kaiser in 1948, they are 171, 365, and 160. The code 171,365,160 is unique to this paint color formulation for this year; therefore, the code can be used along with the manufacturer and year to specify the paint. For example: "171,365,160 1948 Kaiser". Please note that 1948 make paint codes are quite old and may not exist in many modern databases.

Example of 1948 Kaiser 171,365,160
1948 Kaiser 171,365,160
See more information on "1948 Kaiser 171,365,160"
or See all paints with a short model/year code of "171,365,160"

Usage list 1948 Kaiser 171,365,160 paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1946Kaiser171Teal BlueManhattan, 365
1947Kaiser171Teal BlueManhattan, 365
1948Kaiser171,365,160Teal Blue
1949Kaiser171,365,160Teal Blue
1950Kaiser171,365,160Teal Blue

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : 365, 160, 171
PPG/Ditzler : 10412
Sherwin Williams : 43668G, 32950G

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