1990 Dresser White
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(White : Dresser : 1965 - 1999)
At we have records of this paint for over 34 years of use.

This code is listed in our database as an offset listing to PPG code 8706; therefore, the results below are from that code.

1990 paint by Dresser with a promotional name of White. This white automotive paint color is most commonly known as simply 'White'. The color formulation has been used between 1965 and 1999, primarily by Dresser; but also by Company Fleet Vehicles, Ford, and International Harvester. See the full detailed list below. The use of this paint is for main body and special order color.

There are 28 Companies/Organizations with Fleet Vehicles using this color, see the list below.

The Ford manufacturing code of this paint is WT0021 and MX709482. Ford codes starting with WT or MX are special order paints. Ford paint manufacturing codes starting with M are paints offered on standard models where the last 4 digits are unique.

The longer Ford paint manufacturing code is MX709482,WT0021. Ford paint codes starting with MX are usually older (pre 1970) special order paints that have been matched to popular paints from other manufacturers such as GM or Chrysler. This longer manufacturing code is useful for tracking paint usage.

Example of 1990 Dresser White
1990 Dresser White
See more information on "1990 Dresser White"
or See all paints named "White"
See other White 1990 Fleet paint shades
or See all White Fleet paint shades

Usage list 1990 Dresser White paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
White|PPG/Dupont Cross-Ref 1990|
DresserWhitemost commonly referenced
1965White|2003 Autocolor Commercial Transport Color Register|
1965FordFleetWT0021WhiteNorth America
1971FordFleetWT0021White|Ditzler PPG Form7163|
1972FordFleetWT0021WhiteFord Special Order Paint Selector Fleet Colors |Vol 72-GM-9LZ|
1984FordFleetWT0021White|Ford book 84-SP-RMS|
1985International HarvesterTruck9246WhiteCustom, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess
1987Fleet11HW6484XWhiteArchitectural Code 11HW6484X, DDL DAR DAU DU, |Polycron III, Duracron, Duranar Coatings PPG Offset Listing|
1987Fleet1HW6484XWhiteArchitectural Code 1HW6484X, DAU DDL DAR, |Polycron III, Duracron, Duranar Coatings PPG Offset Listing|
1987Fleet54176WhiteArchitectural Code 54176, DDL DAR DAU DU STAR, |Polycron III, Duracron, Duranar Coatings PPG Offset Listing|
1988FordFleetWT0021Whitespecial order
1990FleetAllied Van LinesWhite
1990FleetAtlanta Dairies CorpWhite
1990FleetBekins Archival ServicesWhite
1990FleetCanadian Red CrossWhite
1990FleetCapital EngineeringWhite
1990FleetCentral TelephoneWhite
1990FleetChevron Oil CompanyWhiteNewark
1990FleetCon Way Central ExpressWhite
1990FleetConsolidated FreightwaysWhite
1990FleetContinental TelephoneWhiteFord color
1990FleetCorbet Lighting CompanyWhite
1990FleetFarm Best FoodsWhite
1990FleetGates Rubber CompanyWhite
1990FleetLawn-A-Mat IncWhite
1990FleetMail Dispatch IncWhite
1990FleetMotor Transportation ServicesWhiteUS Growers and Cold Storage
1990FleetMurphy Oil CorpWhite
1990FleetNorth East Motor FreightWhite
1990FleetPlains WesternWhite
1990FleetPotomac Electric PowerWhiteFM
1990FleetRayne CorporationWhite
1990FleetSan Francisco City and Company ofWhite
1990FleetSecurity Van StorageWhite
1990FleetStandard Oil CompanyWhite
1990FleetUS GovernmentWhitePost Office
1999FleetAlberta Wild LifeWhite|Autocolor Commercial Transport Color Register 2003-2004|

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Ford : MX709482, WT0021
Make/Year Code : 9246, 1HW6484X, WT0021, 54176, 11HW6484X
PPG/Ditzler : 8706
Dupont : 7167, 07167
Acme/Rogers : 17200
Martin Senour : 10000
Sherwin Williams : J5-1701
RM/BASF : 3320, 76764
Glasurit : FM241
Autocolor ICI Nexa : 4TH5B, 4TH5

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