1972 Appliance Avocado Light
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(Avocado Light : Major Appliance Companys : 1968 - 1983)
At we have records of this paint for over 15 years of use, and with 11 unique promotional names.

This code is listed in our database as a cross-reference to PPG code 43669; therefore, the results below are from that code.

1972 paint by Appliance with a promotional name of Avocado Light. This green automotive paint color is most commonly known as Avocado Light. Other common color promotional names include Avocado, Avocado Base, Avocado Green, Green, Light Avocado, Light Green, New Avocado Green, New Avocado Green Light, Olivetone Base, and Olivetone Light. The color formulation has been used between 1968 and 1983, primarily by Major Appliance Companys. See the full detailed list below.

Example of 1972 Appliance Avocado Light
1972 Appliance Avocado Light
See more information on "1972 Appliance Avocado Light"
or See all paints named "Avocado Light" or "Avocado" or "Light"

Usage list 1972 Appliance Avocado Light paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
Green|PPG/Dupont Cross-Ref 1990|
1968ApplianceWestinghouse460Avocado Lightbase color
1969ApplianceAdmiralMW-161Avocado Lightbase paint
1969ApplianceGeneral ElectricAvocado Lightbase paint
1969ApplianceGibson Refrigerator496Avocadobase color
1969ApplianceHotpointT-50Avocado Lightbase color
1969ApplianceTappanAvocado Lightbase color, discontinued 1969
1969ApplianceWaste King UniversalAvocado Lightbase color
1969ApplianceWestinghouse460Avocado Lightbase color
1969ApplianceWhirlpoolT-107Avocado Light
1972ApplianceCaloricOlivetone Lightbase color
1972ApplianceColdspot KenmoreAvocado Lightbase color
1972ApplianceCrownAvocado Lightbase color
1972ApplianceFeddersLight Avocadobase color
1972ApplianceFrigidaire824Light Greenbase color
1972ApplianceGaffers and SattlerAvocado Lightbase color
1972ApplianceGeneral ElectricAvocado Lightbase paint
1972ApplianceKelvinatorK-442Light Green
1972ApplianceKelvinatorK-444New Avocado Green Light
1972ApplianceMagic ChefLight Avocadobase color
1972ApplianceMaytagLight Avocadobase color
1972ApplianceMontgomery WardAvocado Lightbase color
1972ApplianceNorgeLight Avocadobase color
1972ApplianceOKeefe MerrittAvocado Light
1972AppliancePhilcoCA-5004Light Avocado
1972ApplianceRoperAvocado Green
1977ApplianceCaloricOlivetone Baselight
1977ApplianceColdspot KenmoreAvocado Lightbase color
1977ApplianceCrownAvocado Baselight
1977ApplianceFeddersLight Avocadobase
1977ApplianceFrigidaire824Light Greenbase
1977ApplianceGaffers and SattlerAvocado Baselight
1977ApplianceGeneral ElectricAvocadobase
1977ApplianceKelvinatorK-442Light Green
1977ApplianceKelvinatorK-444New Avocado Greenlight
1983ApplianceCaloricOlivetone Baselight
1983ApplianceColdspot KenmoreAvocado Lightbase color
1983ApplianceCrownAvocado Baselight
1983ApplianceFeddersLight Avocadobase
1983ApplianceFrigidaire824Light Greenbase
1983ApplianceGaffers and SattlerAvocado Baselight
1983ApplianceGeneral ElectricAvocadobase color, light
1983ApplianceKelvinatorK-442Light Green
1983ApplianceKelvinatorK-444New Avocado Greenlight
1983ApplianceMaytagLight Avocadobase color
1983ApplianceNorgeLight Avocadobase
1983ApplianceOKeefe MerrittAvocado Light
1983AppliancePhilcoCA-5004Light Avocado
1983ApplianceRoperAvocado Green

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : K-444, 824, MW-161, T-50, 496, K-442, CA-5004, T-107, 460
PPG/Ditzler : 43669
Dupont : 6533, 29908
Sherwin Williams : 6596

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