(Fleetwood Gray : Dodge : 1928 - 1964)At
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1928 paint by Dodge with a promotional name of Fleetwood Gray. This gray automotive paint color is most commonly known as Fleetwood Gray. Other common color promotional names include Gunmetal, Gray, and Light Gun Metal Gray. The color formulation has been used between 1928 and 1964, primarily by Dodge; but also by Ford and Company Fleet Vehicles. See the full detailed list below.
The one Company/Organization with Fleet Vehicles using this color is: FJ Egner C Sons Inc.
Example of 1928 Dodge Fleetwood Gray
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Usage list 1928 Dodge Fleetwood Gray paint
(more information)
year | make | model | code | paint name | comment |
1928 | Dodge | Dodge | | Fleetwood Gray | |
1928 | Dodge | Dodge | | Fleetwood Gray | |
1929 | Dodge | Dodge | | Fleetwood Gray | |
1929 | Dodge | Dodge | | Fleetwood Gray | |
1935 | Ford | | | Light Gun Metal Gray | |
1935 | Ford | | | Light Gun Metal Gray | |
1935 | Ford | Ford Truck | | Gunmetal | close to ppg QDE461 or ppg IM1551 |
1935 | Ford | Ford Truck | | Gunmetal | close to ppg QDE461 or ppg IM1551 |
1964 | Fleet | FJ Egner C Sons Inc | | Gray | |Martin Senour Alphabetical Fleet Listing No. 1, 1964| |
1964 | Fleet | FJ Egner C Sons Inc | | Gray | |Martin Senour Alphabetical Fleet Listing No. 1, 1964| |
Paint Manufacturer Codes
PPG/Ditzler :
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