(White : US Government : 1908)1908 paint by Military with a promotional name of White. This white automotive paint color is most commonly known as simply 'White'. The color formulation has been used only in 1908, primarily by US Government. See the detailed list below.
This is one of the paint colors used in US government procurement. Today these colors are specified by Federal Standard 595 documents. FED-STD-595 came out in 1956 with 358 colors; FED-STD-595A, in 1968 with 437 colors; FED-STD-595B, in 1994 with 611 colors; FED-STD-595C, in 2008 with 650 colors; and AMS-STD-595 in 2017 with 692 colors.
The short make/year code for this paint on a Military in 1908, is 9. Careful when using this paint code along with the make and year to specify this paint since it is may not be unique. You can check the paint code here:
9. Please note that 1908 make paint codes are quite old and may not exist in many modern databases.
We have only found one paint in our database which matches 1908 Military White; although, we did find
59 examples of Military paint with the name of White.
Sorry, we do not have a sample of what this color looks like.
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See all paints named "White" See other White 1908 Military paint shades or
See all White Military paint shadesUsage list 1908 Military White paint
(more information)
year | make | model | code | paint name | comment |
1908 | Military | | 9 | White | Formula No 9, bleaching white zinc for inside work, |The Naval Artificers Hand-Book, Chapter 6| |
Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : 9
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