1932 GM Verona Brown
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(Toga Maroon : Auburn : 1928 - 1933)
At we have records of this paint across 7 manufacturers/makes, and with 5 unique promotional names.

1932 paint by GM/Oldsmobile with a promotional name of Verona Brown. This red automotive paint color is most commonly known as Toga Maroon. Other common color promotional names include Almora Beige, Capital Maroon, Neptauk Maroon, and Verona Brown. The color formulation has been used between 1928 and 1933, primarily by Auburn; but also by Buick, Chrysler, Dodge, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Reo, and Willys. See the full detailed list below.

The short make/year code for this paint on an Oldsmobile in 1932, is 507. Careful when using this paint code along with the make and year to specify this paint since it is may not be unique. You can check the paint code here: 507. Please note that 1932 make paint codes are quite old and may not exist in many modern databases.

Example of 1932 GM Verona Brown
1932 GM Verona Brown
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or See all Brown GM paint shades which is cool, but could be a lot of information.

Usage list 1932 GM Verona Brown paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1928DodgeDodgeToga MaroonS-2 Convertible Coupe fenders with Mellobeige lower and upper
1929ChryslerToga Maroon
1929DodgeDodgeToga MaroonS-2 Convertible Coupe fenders with Mellobeige lower and upper
1930BuickBuickCapital Maroonlower, also Toga Maroon
1930ChryslerToga Maroonalso beads and molding
1931AuburnToga MaroonCord Sedan and Brougham body (Black raised-portions wheels, Gold stripe)
1931Auburn12Toga MaroonAuburn 8-98A Custom Sedan, Brougham, Coupe, body fenders (Black raised-portions wheels, Gold stripe)
1931Auburn13Toga MaroonAuburn 8-98A Custom Phaeton, Sedan, Cabriolet body fenders (Carmine IM57 raised-portions wheels stripe)
1931BuickBuickCapital Maroon
1931PontiacPontiac2051Toga Maroon
1931WillysNeptauk Marooncustom sedan 66D 8-80D, sedan coach coupe 95, victoria 95
1932OldsmobileOldsmobile507Verona Brownroof and rear quarter panel, sport coupe
1932PontiacPontiacToga Maroon
1932WillysNeptauk Maroon2-door sedan coupe victoria coupe 95
1933ReoAlmora BeigeS-2 Convertible Coupe fenders with Mellobeige lower and upper

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : 2051, 13, 12, 507
PPG/Ditzler : IM1063
Dupont : 246-3954
Acme/Rogers : 246-3954, 244-3954

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