1928 Chrysler Marquise Blue
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(Princess Blue : Nash : 1928 - 1993)
At we have records of this paint for over 65 years of use, across 13 manufacturers/makes, and with 21 unique promotional names.

1928 paint by Chrysler with a promotional name of Marquise Blue. This blue automotive paint color is most commonly known as Princess Blue. Other common color promotional names include Balkan Blue, Berkshire Blue, Commodore Blue, Etoile Blue, Graham-Paige Blue, Ice Blue, Japanese Blue, Limousine Blue, Marguise Blue, Marquise Blue, New State Blue, Packard Blue, Packard Standard Blue, Royal Blue, Royal Blue Dark, Sen Yen Blue, State Blue, Stygian Blue, Superior Blue, and Winnebago Blue. The color formulation has been used between 1928 and 1993, primarily by Nash; but also by Buick, Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge, Graham, Lincoln, Oldsmobile, Packard, Plymouth, Pontiac, Reo, Studebaker, and Subaru. See the full detailed list below. The use of this paint is for main body and trim color.

Example of 1928 Chrysler Marquise Blue
1928 Chrysler Marquise Blue
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Usage list 1928 Chrysler Marquise Blue paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
Winnebago Blue|Ditz-Lac Intermix Formulae|
1928DodgeDodgeJapanese Blue
1928DodgeDodgeMarquise Blue
1929DodgeDodgeJapanese Blue
1929DodgeDodgeMarquise Blue
1929GrahamGraham-Paige Bluelower color on some black 5-passenger sedans
1929NashPrincess Blueupper body 433 470 models, lower body 420 464 models
1929PackardPackard Standard Bluelower and molding with Black upper
1929StudebakerLimousine Bluelower with Black upper
1930BuickBuickEtoile Bluelower
1930DeSotoPackard Blue
1930DodgeDodgePackard Blue
1930DodgeDodgeMarguise Blue
1930GrahamGraham-Paige Blue
1930LincolnLincolnRoyal Bluelower with Black upper
1930NashPrincess Bluelower 494 model, 450 452 480 489 models
1930OldsmobileOldsmobile202Balkan Blueupper/lower color, 4-door sedan
1930PlymouthPlymouthPackard Blue
1930PontiacOakland1022Berkshire Bluemolding color, Oakland 8
1930PontiacPontiac2034Berkshire Bluemolding color
1930ReoSuperior BlueB-2 Coupe upper/lower with IM80 belt and cream stripe
1930StudebakerLimousine Blueupper and lower, lower with Black upper
1931BuickBuickEtoile Blue
1931BuickBuickCommodore Blue
1931DeSotoPackard Bluealso molding named Winnebago Blue
1931LincolnLincolnRoyal Bluelower with Black upper
1931NashPrincess Blue660 880 987 990 models with black ledge molding, also lower body on 895 968 model with black upper and molding
1931PlymouthPlymouthPackard Blue
1931StudebakerLimousine Blueupper and lower, lower with Black upper
1932BuickBuickCommodore Blue
1932Chrysler214-217State Bluestarting Nov 1932
1932LincolnLincolnRoyal Blue Darklower with Black upper
1932Nash2Princess Blue1070-1072R models
1932Nash4Princess Blue1060-1095 1096-1094 models with black upper body
1932PlymouthPlymouthLimousine Blue#4
1933BuickBuick317,334Royal Blue317 lower body under black, 334 upper and lower
1933Chrysler214-217State Blue
1933DeSoto235-238New State Blue
1933LincolnLincolnRoyal Blue Darklower with Black upper
1933Nash27Sen Yen Blue
1933PlymouthPlymouthLimousine Blue#4, 7-pass sedan, 2-pass coupe, 2-door sedan, 4-door sedan, rumble seat coupe, business coupe
1933PontiacPontiac2159Stygian Blueupper body
1934LincolnLincolnRoyal Blue Dark
1934PontiacPontiac2100,2174Stygian Blue
1935LincolnLincolnRoyal Blue Dark
1935PontiacPontiac2106Stygian Blue
1992Subaru280Ice BlueLegacy Loyale
1993Subaru280Ice BlueLegacy

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : 202, 2159, 2034, 27, 2100, 317, 2, 2106, 214-217, 1022, 235-238, 4, 2174, 334
PPG/Ditzler : IM949
Dupont : 246-30295, 246-1001, 244-1001, 93-1503
Acme/Rogers : 244-1001
RM/BASF : 22383

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