1994 Truck Omaha Orange
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(Omaha Orange : International Harvester : 1959 - 2004)
At we have records of this paint for over 45 years of use, and across 9 manufacturers/makes.

This code is listed in our database as an offset listing to PPG code 60361; therefore, the results below are from that code.

This orange automotive paint color is most commonly known as Omaha Orange. Another common paint color promotional name is Orange. The color formulation has been used between 1959 and 2004, primarily by International Harvester; but also by Chrysler, Company Fleet Vehicles, Ford, Freightliner, International, Mack, Peterbilt, Sterling, and Western Star. We have records of this color appearing on the following models: Chrysler Special Order / Fleet, Ford Special Order / Fleet, Freightliner Truck, International Truck, Mack Truck, Peterbilt Truck, Sterling Truck, and Western Star Truck. See the full detailed list below. The use of this paint is for main body and special order color.

The four Companies/Organizations with Fleet Vehicles using this color are: Simonson Mills, Roadway Express, and City of Fairbanks AK.

The Ford manufacturing code of this paint is MX706302. Ford paint manufacturing codes starting with M are paints offered on standard models where the last 4 digits are unique. The Chrysler manufacturing code of this paint is DT5067 and DT5213. It is not uncommon for the same paint to be used by more than one manufacturer. Popular paints offered by one could be special ordered by others. Also, the paint on imported cars were commonly shared.

The short make/year code for this paint on a Freightliner in 1994, is L0789. Careful when using this paint code along with the make and year to specify this paint since it is may not be unique. You can check the paint code here: L0789.

This paint matches an International Harvester special order paint which can be found in one or more of the International Harvester Special Paint Colors book (CT-399/CT399 or CT-400/CT400 Sales Data Book). The "101SCS" prefix (of 101SCS0311) indicates a single upper/lower body color referenced in the International Harvester "101SC" or "101S" paint chart. The "IH" prefix (IH0311) is a more standard prefix for the special order paint. We have quite a few IH Special Paint Codes in our database.

Example of 1994 Truck Omaha Orange
1994 Truck Omaha Orange
See more information on "1994 Truck Omaha Orange"
or see paints with short model/year code of : L0789
or See all paints named "Omaha Orange" or "Omaha"
or See other Orange 1994 Truck paint shades

Usage list 1994 Truck Omaha Orange paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
Orange|PPG/Dupont Cross-Ref 1990|
|Mack Truck Dupont Imron PPG Durethane Offset Listing| June 1988
|Mack Truck Dupont Imron PPG Durethane Offset Listing| June 1988
|Mack Truck Dupont Imron PPG Durethane Offset Listing| June 1988
|Mack Truck Dupont Imron PPG Durethane Offset Listing| June 1988
1959International Harvester311-21Omaha Orange
1960International Harvester311-21Omaha Orange
1961International Harvester311-21Omaha Orange
1962International Harvester311-21Omaha Orange
1963International Harvester311-21Omaha Orange
1964FordFleetMX706302Orange|Dupont form A-33538-20M-12-63|
1964International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1965International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1966International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1967International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1968International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1969International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1970International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1971International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1972International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1973International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1974International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1975International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1978International Harvester0311Omaha Orange
1979International Harvester0311Omaha Orange
1980International Harvester0311Omaha Orange
1983ChryslerFleetDT5067Orange|Dodge Truck Ditzler Offset List, Form 8302|
1983ChryslerFleetDT5213Orange|Dodge Truck Ditzler Offset List, Form 8302|
1984International Harvester0311Omaha Orange
1985International Harvester0311Omaha Orange
1985International HarvesterTruck311OrangeStd, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess
1985International HarvesterTruck311OrangeStd, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess
1985International HarvesterTruck311OrangeStd, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess
1985International HarvesterTruck330OrangeCustom, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess
1985International HarvesterTruck330OrangeCustom, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess
1985International HarvesterTruck330OrangeCustom, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess
1985International HarvesterTruck330OrangeCustom, |IH MT-90 Parts Merchandising Catalog|, ppg/name best guess
1986International Harvester311Omaha Orange
1987Fleet1HR66123Orangealso ppg 60156, Architectural Code 1HR66123, DAR DDL DAU DU, |Polycron III, Duracron, Duranar Coatings PPG Offset Listing|
1990FleetFairbanks AK City ofOrange
1990FleetRoadway ExpressOrange
1990FleetSimonson MillsOrange
1990InternationalTruckIH0311,101SCS0311Omaha Orange|PPG Navistar IH Cross Reference|
1994Omaha Orange|2003 Autocolor Commercial Transport Color Register|
1994FreightlinerTruckL0789Omaha Orange
1994MackTruck60361Omaha Orange
1994PeterbiltTruckN0789Omaha Orange
1994SterlingTruckN0789Omaha Orange
1994Western StarTruck31UOmaha Orange
2004FleetOmaha Orange|PPG Fleet Color Selector 2004|
2004InternationalTruckOmaha Orange|PPG Fleet Color Selector 2004|

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Ford : MX706302
Chrysler/Dodge : DT5213, DT5067
Make/Year Code : 1HR66123, DT5067, 60361, 330, 311, 31U, 0311, 311-21, DT5213, L0789, MX706302, N0789, 101SCS0311, IH0311
PPG/Ditzler : 60361 (possible alternative codes: 60156)
Dupont : 93-83867H, 82, 31LH, 31AH, 83867AH, 06948, 31, 6948, 6948LH, 0820H, 00031, 83867, 00082
Acme/Rogers : 1711
Martin Senour : 3861
RM/BASF : 4446
Glasurit : E-4446, E4446
Autocolor ICI Nexa : 8HK4, 8HK4B

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