1928 Dodge Thorn Maroon
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(Thorne Brown : Lincoln : 1928 - 1935)
At we have records of this paint across 8 manufacturers/makes, and with 5 unique promotional names.

This brown automotive paint color is most commonly known as Thorne Brown. Other common color promotional names include Madara Brown, Madrid Maroon, Thorn Brown, and Thorn Maroon. The color formulation has been used between 1928 and 1935, primarily by Lincoln; but also by Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge, Ford, Hudson, Plymouth, Pontiac, and Willys. See the full detailed list below. The use of this paint is for main body and trim color.

The Ford manufacturing code of this paint is 246-9248.

Example of 1928 Dodge Thorn Maroon
1928 Dodge Thorn Maroon
See more information on "1928 Dodge Thorn Maroon"
or See all paints named "Thorn Maroon" or "Thorn" or "Maroon"

Usage list 1928 Dodge Thorn Maroon paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1928DodgeDodgeThorn Maroon
1928FordThorne Brown
1929ChryslerThorn Maroonbeads and molding
1929DeSotoThorn Brownalso beads and molding
1929DodgeDodgeThorn Maroon
1929FordThorne Brownlower color only
1929PlymouthPlymouthThorne Brown
1930ChryslerThorn Brownalso beads and molding
1930FordThorne Brown
1930HudsonThorne Brown
1930HudsonMadrid Maroon
1930HudsonEssexThorne Brown
1930HudsonEssexMadrid Maroon
1930LincolnLincolnThorne Brown
1930PlymouthPlymouthThorne Brown
1931ChryslerThorn BrownChrysler 6
1931FordThorne Brown
1931HudsonMadrid Maroon
1931HudsonEssexMadrid Maroon
1931LincolnLincolnThorne Brown
1931PlymouthPlymouthThorne Brown
1931PontiacPontiac2055,2060Thorne Brown
1932LincolnLincolnThorne Brownmoldings with Haverhill Brown
1932WillysMadara Browncustom sedan 8-88
1933LincolnLincolnThorne Brownmoldings with Haverhill Brown
1934LincolnLincolnThorne Brown
1935LincolnLincolnThorne Brown

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Ford : 246-9248
Make/Year Code : 2055, 2060
PPG/Ditzler : IM283
Dupont : 246-5496, L8815, 246-30548, 246-30271

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