Glasurit code FI-601 or FI601 - black
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(Black : Fiat : 1968 - 1983)
At we have records of this paint for over 15 years of use.

This black automotive paint color is most commonly known as simply 'Black'. The color formulation has been used between 1968 and 1983, primarily by Fiat; but also by Autobianchi. See the full detailed list below.

The Ford manufacturing code of this paint is M6018A, M1724A, M30J1724, M6124A, M1724, M1724X, M6018, 14024, and 14124. Ford paint manufacturing codes starting with M are paints offered on standard models where the last 4 digits are unique. The GM manufacturing code of this paint is WA5118, WA0848, WA8555, WE5118, W83E5118, WAEM5118, WE5103, and WAEA5118. GM codes starting with WE are primarily special order paints. The Chrysler manufacturing code of this paint is DT4004. It is not uncommon for the same paint to be used by more than one manufacturer. Popular paints offered by one could be special ordered by others. Also, the paint on imported cars were commonly shared.

FI-601 is a paint code from Glasurit who has been providing paint since 1898. In 1965, Glasurit became part of BASF and provides paint across Europe. Glasurit paint codes come in two parts. The first is a shortened version of the manufacturer or make (GM, FUD, CUS, HON, etc) followed by a unique code. For GM and Ford this unique code is the longer paint manufacturing code if one exists. For most other manufacturers this code is the shorter 2 or 3 digit/letter year/make paint code. If the those manufacturing codes are not consistent, then the Glasurit paint code is sequentially assigned.

Example of the color Glasurit FI-601
Glasurit code FI-601 or FI601 - black
See more information on Glasurit code "FI-601"

Usage list of Glasurit paint code FI-601 (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1970Fiat601Blackalso Autobianchi
1980Fiat601BlackBrava Spider Strada
1980Fiat601BlackBrava Spider Strada

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Ford : M6018A, M1724A, M30J1724, 14024, M1724X, M6018, 14124, M1724, M6124A
GM(Fisher code) : WA8555, W83E5118, WE5118, WA5118, WAEM5118, WE5103, WA0848, WAEA5118
Chrysler/Dodge : DT4004
Make/Year Code : 503A, 001, B9, 86, FLN4149, 21, 47, 500, 102, 6486, 38, FLN4389, IC008, 2124, 101, 622, 103, FLN4407, P1A, FLN4051, 1775, 0841, AC200, FLN4280, 1, 001-21, L41B, 234K, FLN4518, 081, A02, 900, 1R, 4, FLN4060, 1084-BDH, P1, DT4004, L41, 9103, C-433, 202, FLN4204, 02, 28, HRA, B25, 7695, FLN4630, 19, 1770, FLN4547, 72R40, AA, 6410, ND, BDH, 17038, 360, 101SCS0001, 01, FLN4039, B02, 10, FLN4031, 18470, TX9, 515, PZ, C-274, 585, 2212-13, BCN, FLN4481, 15, B, 40, FLN4058, 11, FLN4641, X, C-410, 501, 901, C-419, PAA, PL, 597, 231, L15, 301, 140, IH0001, 09, 601, F, FLN4205, 618, 1997, FLN4730, AC100, 000, L98F, FLN4570, FLN4393, FLN4200, 7696, 104, FLN4696, 496, FLN4617, 230, FLN4007, L40, 505, 700, 544, FLN4587, FLN4019, 503, 582, RMS-45-101, A, 60, 50, FLN4024, 530, C-273, 80, W-ND, 48, 1C, 584, 060, 9-103, P-1, FLN4548, C-421
PPG/Ditzler : 9000 (possible alternative codes: 9200)
Dupont : 44, 9000, F0213, 99S, 378-78400, 99L, 225-2113, 00099, 99A, #44, 88, 226-34499, 886-92264L, 161-6894, M1698, 995, 99, 09000, #88L, 93-005, 47600, 88L, 246-2048
Acme/Rogers : 206, 1724, 509, 75, 311, 3000
Martin Senour : 98L-1489, 8800
Sherwin Williams : 6648, 40423, 57727, 1738, 60204, 31233, 1729, 43009
RM/BASF : 1240, A946, 19160, 668480, 15130, 17425, 12060, 16444, 10707, P403
Glasurit : FI-601, FI601, MAZ-900, MAZ900, GM-0848, GM0848, GM-5118, GM5118, FDPC1
Autocolor ICI Nexa : A946, WV34B, WV31, TH14B, 0122, P403, WV34, 4WN4B
AkzoNobel Sikkens : FLN4024, FLN4031, FLN4481, FLN4204, FLN4617, FLN4039, FLN4631, FLN4149, FLN4280, FLN4696, FLN4019, FLN4587, FLN4051, FLN4060, FLN4200, FLN4393, FLN4547, FLN4407, FLN4570, FLN4548, FLN4730, FLN4630, FLN4518, FLN4007, FLN4205, FLN4389, FLN4641, FLN4058

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