Dupont code 93-1859 01859 1859 - red
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(Bordeaux Maroon : Chevrolet : 1934 - 1956)
At we have records of this paint for over 22 years of use.

This red automotive paint color is most commonly known as Bordeaux Maroon. Other common color promotional names include Mesa Tan and Maroon. The color formulation has been used between 1934 and 1956, primarily by Chevrolet; but also by Company Fleet Vehicles, Studebaker, and GMC. We have records of this color appearing on the model of Chevrolet Special Order / Fleet and Studebaker Truck. See the full detailed list below.

The three Companies/Organizations with Fleet Vehicles using this color are: Chevrolet Truck, Borden, and Studebaker Truck.

Dupont codes starting with "244-" or "246-" and ending with a 4 or 5 digit number where used from 1920 through the 50's with a few "93-", "202-", and "210" prefixed codes thrown in early on. "93-" paint codes appear to be reserved for Truck/Fleet or very popular paints while the "202-" and "210" where metallic paints. As new paint types came out more prefixes were introduced. For this report on Dupont code 93-1859, we have included variations with the prefix removed. The remaining digits are a good way to track paint usage between years.

Be careful with Dupont 4 digit codes (i.e. 1859 or 01859 or 246-1859) before 1946. There may have been some reuse in later years.

Example of the color Dupont 93-1859
Dupont code 93-1859 01859 1859 - red
See more information on Dupont code "93-1859"

Usage list of Dupont paint code 93-1859 (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1934ChevroletChevy Truck250Bordeaux Maroon
1934ChevroletChevy Truck250Bordeaux Maroon
1934GMCGMC250Bordeaux Maroon
1934GMCGMC250Bordeaux Maroon
1935ChevroletChevy Truck250Bordeaux Maroon
1935ChevroletChevy Truck250Bordeaux Maroon
1938ChevroletFleetBordeaux Maroon
1938ChevroletFleetBordeaux Maroon
1938FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1939FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1940FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1941FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1942FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1943FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1944ChevroletFleetBordeaux Marooncommerical vehicles
1944FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1945FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1946FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1947FleetChevrolet TruckBordeaux Maroon
1954FleetStudebaker TruckMesa Tan
1954StudebakerSMesa Tan
1954StudebakerTruckMesa Tan
1955StudebakerTruckMesa Tan

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