Dupont code 835-92264L 92264L - black
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(Tuxedo Black : Chevrolet : 1957 - 1996)
At we have records of this paint for over 39 years of use, across 12 manufacturers/makes, on 12 models, and with 13 unique promotional names.

This black automotive paint color is most commonly known as Tuxedo Black. Other common color promotional names include Black, Ebony, Ebony Black, Formal Black, Jet Black, Onyx Black, Presidential Black, Raven Black, Regal Black, Regent Black, Silhouette Black, and Starlight Black. The color formulation has been used between 1957 and 1996, primarily by Chevrolet; but also by Buick, Cadillac, Chrysler, Company Fleet Vehicles, Dodge, Ford, GM, Lincoln, Mercury, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, and Pontiac. We have records of this color appearing on the following models: Chevy Truck, Comet, Corvair, Dart, Fairlane, Falcon, Galaxie, Imperial, Polara, Tempest, Thunderbird, and Valiant. See the full detailed list below.

The one Company/Organization with Fleet Vehicles using this color is: Gibson Corvette.

The Ford manufacturing code of this paint is M6018A, M1724A, M6124A, M30J1724, M1724, and M1724X. Ford paint manufacturing codes starting with M are paints offered on standard models where the last 4 digits are unique. The GM manufacturing code of this paint is WA168D, WA0848, WA8555, WA5118, W83E5118, and WAEM5118. The Chrysler manufacturing code of this paint is DT4004 and DT4012. It is not uncommon for the same paint to be used by more than one manufacturer. Popular paints offered by one could be special ordered by others. Also, the paint on imported cars were commonly shared.

Early dupont codes have a prefix followed by a dash and a 3, 4 or 5 digit number. Common prefixes are 244, 246-, 93-, 202-, and 210. For this report on Dupont code 835-92264L, we have included variations with the prefix removed. The remaining digits are a good way to track paint usage between years.

The 4 or 5 digit Dupont paint codes ending in an L or LH or LM are Lucite paints. Primarily from 1960 to 1980 Dupont paint codes included all three L-Lucite, A-Centari, and D-Dulux versions. Use the 4 or 5 digit code to track paints colors independent of paint type.

Example of the color Dupont 835-92264L
Dupont code 835-92264L 92264L - black
See more information on Dupont code "835-92264L"

Examples of Dupont code 835-92264L (click on image for larger/detailed view)

Usage list of Dupont paint code 835-92264L (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1957ChevroletCorvetteOnyx Black
1957GMOnyx Black
1959ChevroletCorvette503ATuxedo Black
1959ChevroletCorvette503ATuxedo Black
1960ChevroletCorvette503ATuxedo Black
1960PontiacPontiacARegent Black
1961ChevroletCorvette503Tuxedo Black
1961PontiacPontiacARegent Black
1961PontiacTempestARegent Black
1962BuickBuickARegal Black
1962ChevroletChevrolet900Tuxedo Black
1962ChevroletChevy Truck500Jet Black
1962ChevroletCorvair900Tuxedo Black
1962ChevroletCorvette900Tuxedo Black
1962ChryslerBFormal Black
1962ChryslerImperialBFormal Black
1962DodgeDartBSilhouette Black
1962DodgeDodgeBSilhouette Blackalso Lancer
1962DodgePolaraBSilhouette Black
1962FordARaven Black
1962FordFairlaneARaven Black
1962FordFalconARaven Black
1962FordGalaxieARaven Black500, Victoria, Sunliner, wagon
1962FordThunderbirdARaven Black
1962GMARegal Black
1962LincolnLincolnAPresidential Black
1962MercuryCometAPresidential Black
1962MercuryMercuryAPresidential Black
1962OldsmobileOldsmobileAEbony Black
1962PlymouthPlymouthBSilhouette Black1004ES
1962PlymouthValiantBSilhouette Black1004ES
1962PontiacPontiacAStarlight Black
1962PontiacTempestAStarlight Black
1963ChevroletCorvette900Tuxedo Black
1964ChevroletCorvette900Tuxedo Black
1964FordFairlaneARaven Black
1964FordGalaxieARaven Black500, 500XL, wagon
1965ChevroletCorvetteAATuxedo Black
1995FleetGibson CorvetteTuxedo Black1963 Corvette Sting Ray model
1996FleetGibson CorvetteTuxedo Black1960 Corvette model

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Ford : M6018A, M1724A, M1724, M6124A, M1724X, M30J1724
GM(Fisher code) : WA0848, WA168D, WA5118, W83E5118, WA8555, WAEM5118
Chrysler/Dodge : DT4004, DT4012
Make/Year Code : 900, DT4004, 19, P1A, F794, 902, 0F5, X9, 086, 50, PDE, C1, X8, R4, IH0001, C-536, 560, 700, C-598, 101SCS0001, TX8, QX9, 612, YC, JASA, 618, Y4, 401, 10, P1, A, 202, 041, F0794, 026, 99, PX9, JASX, 1C, L41, 41, AA, C-542, TX9, JAS, 373, 80U, OF5, 80, 950
PPG/Ditzler : 9300 (possible alternative codes: 95115)
Dupont : 88L, 47600, 99A, 99S, 99, F0206, 886-92264L, 44, B9764, 99L, 93-005, 88, F0220, 835-92264L, F0208, F0213
Acme/Rogers : 206, 75, 33756, 3000, 4950
Martin Senour : 52587, 8800
Sherwin Williams : 58097, 57879, 53909, 40423, 57727, 1738
RM/BASF : 13572, 12060, 1240, A946, 16444, 946, 4946, 17425, 12574, 19160, 100917, 251495, P403
Glasurit : CUS-100917, CUS100917, BMW-086, BMW086, GM-0848, GM0848, 54-1240, 541240, GM-8555, GM8555, GM-5118, GM5118, FDU-1724, FDU1724, 21-1240, 211240, FDPC1, GM-168D, GM168D
Autocolor ICI Nexa : WM77, VW23B, NX23, WV23, GDD4B, WV23B

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