Dupont code 83058 - green
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(Reseda Green : Borgward : 1957 - 1960)
This green automotive paint color is most commonly known as Reseda Green. Another common paint color promotional name is Chrome Green. The color formulation has been used between 1957 and 1960, primarily by Borgward. See the full detailed list below.

Example of the color Dupont 83058
Dupont code 83058 - green
See more information on Dupont code "83058"

Usage list of Dupont paint code 83058 (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1957BorgwardChrome Greenmetallic
1958BorgwardReseda Greenmetallic
1959BorgwardReseda Greenmetallic
1960BorgwardReseda Greenmetallic

Paint Manufacturer Codes
PPG/Ditzler : 42422
Dupont : 181-83058, 83058, 202-83058

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