Dupont code 09000 9000 - brown
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(Low Gloss Beige : International : 1990)
This code is listed in our database as a cross-reference to PPG code
26987; therefore, the results below are from that code.

This brown automotive paint color is most commonly known as Low Gloss Beige. This is an International paint referenced in 1990. The only reference of this paint is in a series of Cross Reference list booklets from various years, printed by PPG and others. See the detailed list below.

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See more information on Dupont code "09000"

Usage list of Dupont paint code 09000 (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1990InternationalTruckNAV1792Low Gloss BeigeB/C, |PPG Navistar IH Cross Reference|

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : NAV1792
PPG/Ditzler : 26987
Dupont : 9000, 09000

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