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Red Western Stars at PaintRef.com

The first Red Western Star in our paint database was in 1994, with one red paint shade named Red. This was the only time this formulation of Red appeared as a production color on a Western Star. This also was the only time this formulation of Red appeared as a production color on a Western Star.

The last offering of Red on a Western Star in our paint database was in 2002, with one shade of red paint named Brilliant Red.

In our database we found 38 offerings of Red in 8 of the 8 production years of the Western Star (1994-2000 and 2002). We have excluded all yellow greens and most golds from this list but included all gold yellow paints as originally named; light yellowish creams, tans, and beiges; and those paints are very obviously yellow. Below is a list of all offerings of Red on a Western Star in our database with examples where we have found them. Click on the example or manufacturing code for more information.

yearpromotional namemanuf code
1994 Red N0252 look up
1995 Dark Firethorn L0307 look up
1996 Purple 75334U look up
Red 4992U look up
Seminole Red H7994U look up
1997 Dark Ash Rose L0284 look up
1998 Bright Blue N3420 look up
Coke Red N0252 look up
Dark Red N5831 look up
Fast Red N3781 look up
Hot Red N3761 look up
Maroon N0919 look up
Medium Maroon N6458 look up
Red N5924 look up
Safety Red N3007 look up
Trimac Palomar Red L0708 look up
1999 Bordeaux L6397 look up
Brilliant Red L4106 look up
Cayenne Red L5945 look up
Coral Red L0652 look up
Dark Cherry L5197 look up
Electric Red L3792 look up
Light Red L5849 look up
Red L2596 look up
Red Bronze L6890 look up
2000 Garnet Red look up
Jet Red N6959 look up
Moon Rose N6727 look up
Pink Red N5679 look up
Red N6502 look up
Roastown Red N7000 look up
2002 Brilliant Red L4106 look up
(C) 2010 - PaintRef.com
